Disaster Management Bill 2024


Key Provisions:

1. Disaster Database: The bill proposes the creation of a comprehensive disaster database at both national and state levels. This database would include details about disaster assessments, fund allocation, expenditures, preparedness and mitigation plans, risk registers, and other relevant information.

2. Urban Disaster Management Authority (UDMA): The bill seeks to establish Urban Disaster Management Authorities for state capitals and major cities with municipal corporations, except for Delhi and Chandigarh.

3. Plan Preparation: The bill empowers the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) to prepare disaster management plans at their respective levels, a responsibility previously held by the National Executive Committee and State Executive Committees.

4. Expert Appointments: The NDMA is granted the authority to appoint experts and consultants as needed to fulfill its functions.



The government has justified the proposed amendments by highlighting the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster management efforts in India.

• Disaster Database: The creation of a comprehensive database aims to streamline data collection and analysis,facilitating better decision-making and resource allocation during disasters.

• Urban Disaster Management Authority: The establishment of UDMAs recognizes the unique challenges faced by urban areas in disaster management and seeks to create specialized mechanisms to address them.

• Plan Preparation: Shifting the responsibility of plan preparation to NDMA and SDMAs is intended to enhance coordination and streamline decision-making processes.

• Expert Appointments: Allowing NDMA to appoint experts aims to bring in specialized knowledge and experience to improve disaster management strategies.


Criticisms: The bill has faced opposition, primarily from members of the opposition parties, who have raised several concerns:

• Centralization of Power: Critics argue that the bill centralizes power in the hands of the central government,potentially undermining the autonomy of state governments in disaster management.

• Creation of Multiple Authorities: The establishment of additional authorities like UDMAs is seen by some as unnecessary bureaucracy that could lead to confusion and delays in decision-making.

• Encroachment on State Powers: Opposition members argue that the bill encroaches upon the functions and responsibilities of state governments, which have traditionally played a significant role in disaster management.



The Disaster Management Bill 2024 aims to strengthen India's disaster management framework by introducing new provisions for data collection, specialized urban authorities, and streamlined plan preparation. However, it has also sparked debate and criticism regarding the centralization of power and potential encroachment on state autonomy. The effectiveness of these proposed changes and their impact on India's disaster management capabilities remain to be seen as the bill progresses through the legislative process.